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International Anthologies, a project by Monica Mastrantonio

A woman I know does something fantastic. She edits and publishes collaborative anthologies, and makes them available at cost (print) or free (ebook and/or PDF). She garners contributors from the world over via open invitation; no pitch required!

This generous anthologist Monica Mastrantonio says of the publications: “Please share as much as you like. All the print versions are precious and beautiful. The first, Whitmanthology, is a hardcover precious one. They vary in price because I started doing some that could be more affordable – but they all are quite collectible. The e-books are always free. We aim to remain so as a way to share and spread the benefits of writing and reading as a way towards reflecting reality and sharing our experiences.” The descriptions of each volume are Monica’s (edited slightly).

PS – The anthologies I (Jean) contributed to are marked with an asterisk.

Letters from Here to the Hereafter cover

LETTERS FROM HERE TO THE HEREAFTER* | Dear Reader: Text messages, emails, and social media have endangered the habit of letter-writing. People do not write to each other anymore, much less to someone who is not here — alive and in this world. We lose many possibilities with this restriction. Writing a letter can be a vital tool for clarifying our feelings even to ourselves, not to say to others. The real purpose of a letter is as diverse as we can possibly imagine: to inform, instruct, entertain, amuse, keep in touch, or even provide documentation and the most loving sentiments. Letters can also be a way to write down thoughts, ideas, feelings instead of real-time and place events. They can be used for anything from complaints to companies, to love declarations, to opinions on current affairs (letters to newspapers). Typically, it is easier and also a healthy way to develop one’s own voice. Diarist Anaïs Nin’s first journal entry was a letter to her deranged father as a way to remain connected with him. She never actually sent the letter, but it ended up being the spark for her writing passion. Most people know of the famous Kafka book, Letter to My Father — to this day an unforgettable one. Some people even choose to write letters to their pets, but in truth, we can write letters to whomever or whatever inspires us. Perhaps the most satisfying aspect of letter writing is the opportunity to communicate exactly what is in our minds. Please enjoy the reading! (2021)

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Land and Territory cover

LAND AND TERRITORY anthology is our annual gathering and publication of international authors in the multiple fields and experiences of writing. Please enjoy! (2019)

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Brave and the Afraid cover

THE BRAVE & THE AFRAID* brings contributions of many writers across the globe about a topic which crosses margins and divides humanity: courage! It is said to be one of the most important virtues which leads to others, and it cannot be different with writers. It needs a lot of courage to put one word after the next! Our aim with the annual anthologies is to share our writings. The MOOC courses from IOWA University offer an outstanding opportunity to get to know writers and venture into new styles. This year’s illustrations bring words everywhere with photos which state the daily living of a word-world. (2018)

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THE PAIN THAT UNITES US ALL addresses in multiple voices and narratives the multiple aspects of pain. International authors compiled texts and images in a complex kaleidoscopic view of a topic which follows the history of mankind. (2017)

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Womanthology cover

WOMANTHOLOGY: WRITINGS ON WOMEN WORLDWIDE* – When a project involves authors from different nationalities focusing on women through poetry and prose, you can expect nothing less than a brilliant gathering of voices and approaches towards women´s world. A must read for all those who aim to understand their complexity and history. (2017)

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Whitmanthology book cover

WHITMANTHOLOGY: ON LOSS AND GRIEF collects writings of authors from all over the world inspired by “Whitman’s Civil War: Writing and Imaging Loss, Death, and Disaster,” MOOC course held by the University of Iowa in 2016. With a Forward by professor and poet Christopher Merrill, the Anthology aims to bring peace and hope in a world filled with war and pain. (2016)

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